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October 11, 2012

breathing, focusing, etc.

our poor, tiny apartment.

we've been here for almost 2 months now, and we are no where near settled. the walls are still empty. the fridge mostly consists of beer, milk and cheese.

we've been busy. october is packed with projects and events and volunteering.

it is decided 2012 was/is our year to give. last years lessons are fueling me, keeping me strong when i'm exhausted and second guessing myself. 

this weekend is another big one:
friday, is our big fundraiser, lift the mask.
saturday morning i drive up to the farm to snap photos for their big festival coming up.
saturday afternoon i drive back to madison to play with croaker at the gypsy carnival.
sunday, i'll help the folks of good style clean up their old space as they move into their new home. and croaker practice.

this list is more of a reminder to myself. will someone make sure i'm doing what i'm suppose to be doing at the right time? thank you.

and thank you for your comments and emails of support about max. it means the world, really.

1 comment:

  1. settling in seems like a laborious process, especially when you're busy. but a home is a home even if it's not done the way we want.
