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August 12, 2012

anniversary week // year one

to celebrate five years of carson and me, for the next five days i'll be posting a few photos from each year. this was emotionally quite the process, we've been through a lot and i know that gets said often, but i don't know how else to say it. i never knew love worked this way. when i look at him i see the first time we met, now and him as a handsome old man. i'm truly blessed.

so, me and carson. carson and me. year one.
Chemicals Collide by Cloud Cult on Grooveshark


1. we spent a good amount of time in portland together after i graduated. we were ready to move there. maybe someday...
2. carson and i spent a lot of time in minneapolis, it became our second home. i didn't realize how early into our relationship that we were already sharing sunglasses.
3. ah, 719 water street, in eau claire. carson jumped in the middle of our final roommate photo. this is the day we moved to madison together, the day our fathers met for the first time and the day before i started my job. we were crazy.
4. our shadows in eau claire.
5. we had a lot of after bars at my place with jess and jodi. i don't remember sleeping much those days.
6. carson came with me on a photoshoot for volume one
7. in our first apartment together, on kendall street. i miss that place.
8. we fell in love with madison's east side rather quickly.
9. carson's parents bought us tickets to a badger game. it was awesome.
10. a kiss.
11. halloween.
12. new years eve.

song: chemicals collide by cloud cult always reminds me of falling in love with carson. i was really into cloud cult and didn't think he'd like them, but i put a song of theirs on the first mix i gave them and he liked it! (gotta love the early music stages)

stay tuned for more lovey-dovey anniversary posts.

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