over the weekend the boys and i played at LAKESIDE COFFEE HOUSE with some other local madison musicians, blair clark from THE SILLS and THE HIGH WINDOW.
i continued to be blown away by the caliber of musician here in madison - blair plays passionate and clever songs that makes me think hes a relative of tom waits. and the high window makes me want to curl up next to a fire with some whiskey and reflect on my past, while being hopeful of the future.
i'm very happy to be out singing, to be meeting talented folks and playing with talented folks. i get asked a lot about what i want to do with music and what my end goal is and i'm happy just to be doing it, honestly. i find "my sound" a little more each time i pick up the guitar and open my mouth and if someone finds joy in that somewhere, that's good enough for me.
how about those band photos huh? that's probably about as good as it's going to get...
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